About Us
The Leading Pioneer Food Security Company in Libya

About Company
Almarai Alkhisba
Since the foundation of Almarai Alkhisba for Mills and Feed Company in 2003, the company has been part of the proficiency challenge to provide the best food solutions possible where it takes into account health standards and the interest of breeders, it always aims to maintaining the use of the latest industrial technology to ameliorate the growth of livestock in Libya safely and sustainably.
Almarai Aklhisba for Mills and Feed is specialized in the production of a complete set of feed aiming to accomplish self- sufficiency in the sector of feed industry, which is implemented through overseas and local investments.
Almarai Aklhisba for Mills and Feed is seeking the latest modifications available involving technological advancements, the pursue of operational excellence, and the continuous enhancement to the supply chain to live up to the requisites of clients and in order to establish a benevolent reputation through the asset of its strong aspects along with the aid of the incredible capabilities which it possesses.
The focus on innovation to enhance products and services, the exploration of opportunities to grow and develop is the ultimate reinforcement for the competitive characteristic of Almarai Alkhisba company, and is the big assistant to allow the company’s vision to come into practice in the process of fortifying its role in the food supply chain in Libya.

This orientation towards innovation has been rewarded with the development of complete formulated feed products consisting of high-value nutrients that has scaled up the level of productivity, and the difference made by the products of Almarai Alkhisba is the creator of its competitive feature.
The trademark of Almarai Alkhisba company is the result of the firm bond with the breeders and the deep understanding of their needs, the work of a technical team which constantly modifies and adjusts nutritional standards as well as a consequence of the continuous technological renewal of the company’s factories.
Almarai Alkhisba is the most developed company in Libya in terms of using quality control systems and the most accurate methods of analysis and control, and bearing this in mind it pays a great attention to the confidentiality of its products, and to what its pioneering role states as a true example encouraging success and hard work through abiding by mechanisms of the quality of manufacturing and that of raw material to obtain the ultimate safe and healthy transformation rate possible.
Therefore, the company always maintains contribution to self-sufficiency of feed and the leveling up of the quantity and quality of livestock and is on the look for what is best to serve breeders to increase productivity and takes into consideration health regulations , as quality is a message and the service of breeders is devotion.

In order to enhance the sector of feed industry in Libya , the first step of the strategic plan which has been acknowledged by the parent company (Almarai Alkhisba Company ) which has decided that Almarai Alkhisba Compay for Mills and Feed to be the most dominant contributor for self-sufficiency of feed and for the leveling up of the quantity and quality of livestock in Libya, and to become the pioneer in social and economic sustainable development.

Providing the best possible food solutions by the production of a complete collection of animal feed where heath standards and interest of breeders are taken into consideration as well as the use of the latest industrial technology to ameliorate the growth of livestock in Libya safely and sustainably.

Reinforcing innovation to improve products and services, exploration of opportunities of growth and development to put the company’ vision into action to solidify its role in supporting food supply chain in Libya.
This orientation towards innovation has been rewarded with the development of complete formulated feed products consisting of high-value nutrients that has scaled up the level of productivity, and the difference made by the products of Almarai Alkhisba is the creator of its competitive feature.

Contribution to accomplish and secure self-sufficiency in feed sector. This is executed through expanding overseas and local investments as well as striving and doing what is best to serve breeders to increase productivity bearing in mind health regulations and high quality level, as quality is a message and the service of breeders is devotion.