Poultry Feeds
Layer Chicken feeds

Starter Layer Chicken Feed (Mash)
This feed features a crushed form used for the feeding of chicks of layer chicken within the first day of hatching till the end of the sixth week.
This feed is balanced with protein, energy essential vitamins and minerals that attains a rapid and health growth of the chicks of the layer chicken, it also increases the productivity and prevents coccidiosis and reduces the risk of death.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Grower Layer Chicken Feed (Mash)
This feed is made into crunched form and is used to feed layer (growing) chicken starting from six weeks to sixteenth week of age which is the time where the full growth of vital organs of the body of a chicken is completed and at which perfect balance is fulfilled including the growth of genitalia and the rest of body systems to begin a production phase where all of its vital organs are fully grown.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Pre-Layer chicken Feed (Mash)
This type comes in crunched form. It is used to feed layer chicken within the seventeenth week and the twentieth week, which is the decisive phase between growth and production. The main purpose of this feed is the preparation of chicken for the increasing production as production rate raises up rapidly in the first two months of production.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Layer Chicken Feed (Mash)
This feed features a crunched form and is used for feeding layer chicken starting from twenty one weeks of age to the end of production phase. This type of feed is considered to be balanced in terms of energy, amino acids vitamins, minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus as it maintains a high condition of eggs production by chicken for a long term, as well as it ensures a big and high quality eggs.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Layer Chicken Feed (Pellet)
This feed is of the compressed type and is cube-shaped (Pellet), used to feed layer chicken starting from twenty one weeks old to the end of production phase. This feed is balanced in terms of energy, amino acids, vitamins, minerals especially calcium and phosphorus, as this feed ensures that animals remain in a high condition of eggs production for a long time period as well as it maintains the production of big and high quality eggs.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Layer chicken feed (Crumble)
This feed in a compressed form resembling the shape of grains (crumble) and is used to feed layer chicken within the twenty first week of age till the end of production phase, and it is balanced in terms of energy, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus as this feed ensures that animals remain in a high condition of egg production for a long time period as well as it maintains the production of big and high quality eggs.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Parents Stock feeds

Starter Layer Parents Stock Feed (Mash)
This feed is in crunched form and is given to the chicks of hens within the first day of hatching till the age of eight weeks old to obtain an excellent weight and fit skeleton of the chicken at this stage
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Grower Layer parents stock Feed (Mash)
It is in crunched form and is given to mother layer chicken within the eighth and sixteenth week of the age.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Layer Parents stock Feed (Mash)
This feed comes in crunched form and is given to mother layer chicken within the seventeenth week and the end of production phase.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Broiler Chicken Feeds

Starter Broiler chicken Feed (Crumble)
It is used to feed broiler chicken ( chicks) starting one day to twenty days of age, it is produced in grains form ( Crumble) to prevent the adhering of feeder to the beaks of chicks as well as it has nearly no fly dust. This feeder is balanced in terms of energy, amino acids and minerals it also has a great effect on leveling up the performance of chicken, prevention of coccidiosis and reduction of mortality rate .
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Super Starter Broiler Chicken Feed (Crumble)
It is used to feed broiler chicken (chicks) within of one day to day six of age. It is a compressed feed and is manufactured as a grains powder (Crumble) as to prevent the adhering of feed to the beaks of chicks.
This feed has a balanced composition to enhance chickens to have a complete, healthy and rapid growth as well as it allows them to show their full genetic potential and have a high functioning immune system. This feed is also enriched by trace elements such as ( zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, ,cobalt, selenium ) and vitamins.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Grower Broiler chicken Feed (Pellet)
It is used to feed broiler chicken within the age of twenty days to the age of selling ( 30-35) days , it is a compressed type and is produced in cube form as Pellet with a length of 4-5.5ml to maintain easy digestion by the chicken.
This feed is balanced in regard to energy, amino acids, vitamins and minerals and can also provide the maximum fattening potential of the slaughter, it also has an anti-coccidia.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following

Finishing Broiler Chicken Feed (Pellet)
It is used to feed broiler chicken (chicks) within the age of 30-35 days till the age of slaughter 40-45 days, it is a compressed feed and produced in cube form (pellet) with a length of 4-6.5 ml.
Each 1 KG of feed contains the following