News & Articles
The industrial sector plays a major role in the establishment of the building blocks of social and economic sustainability, as this is evident by the significant contribution it offers being one of the fundamental foundations to maintain consistent and continual economical growth. In addition, its huge effect on employment and operation, attracting diversified investments, participating […]
There is no doubt that the majority of the countries around the world suffers food balance insufficiencies and thus strives with a great effort to enhance the national livestock production of red meat, white meat and eggs. Feed have the most prominent role in the growth of the livestock, as the manufacture of feed is […]
The acquisition of technology has become cruciality for the movement of economical sustainability for what it can possibly contribute to such as leveling up the effectiveness of elements of production, competitive capabilities of manufactured products or provided services, and paving the way for industries to enter new or already existing markets. Almarai Alkhisba Company undoubtedly […]
Reducing importing and regulation of trade balance, provision of domestic production for consumers and increasing total domestic production. Positive consequences can occur for the domestic economy through nationalizing domestic industry, deepening it and involving more of the local components, certainly such as providing products for the internal market, which will lower reliance on imported products […]